The lifelong financial and emotional burdens that new parents and a child must cope with are extensive. Laboratory tests, imaging studies, and even surgery may be required to diagnose and treat traumatic brain injuries. Whenever another party is at-fault for an incident that results in a traumatic brain injury, they have the obligation under the law to provide compensation. The symptoms of a brain injury are not always obvious or quick to appear.

Indiana Infant Brain Injury Attorney Los Angeles

Just like that, you can be facing a lifetime of medical bills, adaptations, loss of earnings, pain, suffering, and lifelong implications, which can have severe consequences for you and your family. Negotiate a deserving compensation for your losses. The court may not hear any cases or claims made after this period. As you pursue medical assistance and recuperate, it's easy to lose track of time. When birth injuries are severe, they generally give rise to litigation against a negligence healthcare provider or doctor. If you or your loved one has suffered serious brain injury caused by someone else's negligence, your best course of action is to consult with an experienced Indianapolis brain injury lawyer as soon as possible. Non-economic damages are those that are less easy to calculate, but which impact your life and ability to engage in life activities. Our traumatic brain injury attorney can help you pursue legal action against the liable party within the statute of limitations. Let Schwartz Injury Law help.

Respiratory problems. Find out when birth injuries give rise to medical malpractice claims. The best way to get an accurate idea of how much your claim is worth is to consult an attorney who focuses on medical malpractice and birth injuries. Birth injuries are usually minor but can be severe. Our Indianapolis traumatic brain injury attorneys have a wealth of experience representing TBI and MTBI victims. Frequently Asked Questions. The major tests used to diagnose head or brain injuries include: Once you are diagnosed with a head injury, your treatment will vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury. Negligence of an obstetrician, midwife or nurse may have caused serious harm to your baby, including: - Bone fractures. However, this birth injury is can leave a child with permanent neurological damage. Premature infants are even more likely to suffer brain injuries.

Illinois Brain Injury Lawyer

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, can have many causes: accidents, falls, sports, and violent assaults. Physical, rehabilitative, and occupational therapy. Blurred or troubled vision. Noneconomic damages are the subjective non-monetary losses that stem from the injury. Our Brain Injury Lawyer Has the Experience You Need. Serious medical conditions caused by birth injuries impact the child's life expectancy and the quality of the child's life. Common birth defects include: - Missing limbs. Failure to identify or treat high-risk deliveries. There are several other birth injuries and they can also appear concurrently. Fill out the form below, and our team will contact you to schedule a free consultation.

Severe conditions such as Lou Gehrig's disease and postmortem diagnosed chronic traumatic encephalopathy would be entitled to payouts as high as $5 million. The physician misapplies the forceps, resulting in permanent brain injury to the child. Note that "mild" does not necessarily mean that the brain injury is of no consequence. What Causes Traumatic Brain Injuries? The following are some of the most common examples of birth injuries. No parent can know with certainty whether a birth injury was preventable without qualified legal assistance. DuPage County Attorneys for Birth Injury Cases. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, delivery team, or birthing center fails to deliver the recognized standard of medical care and causes an injury. Our Indianapolis Brain Injury Attorney is Built to Handle Your Brain Injury Case. Even with mild TBI, the consequences to a person's life can be dramatic. Advances in prenatal diagnosis and obstetrical care have made most child deliveries in today's 21st century safe and successful.

Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

Life functioning problems: Basic skills such as planning and organizing may be impacted, and the patient may struggle to problem solve. What Is a Birth Injury? This type of injury can have devastating, long-term effects for victims and their families. Treatment often includes physical and cognitive rest, which can require time off work or school.

Sometimes people do not experience problems until years later. One of the most important decisions you and your attorney will make is determining who to name in your brain injury claim. Finding knowledgeable legal counsel should also be a priority if you wish to protect your child's best interests. Comas and various vegetative states are the norm for a severe TBI.